Monday, January 10, 2005

It is Jeremy that we need to blame...I mean thank.

I probably should have mentioned this as my very first entry. The other day my good friend Jeremy was over when I asked him how hard it would be to set up a website.

"3 minutes," he replied promptly and passively.

Figuring he had put little or no thought into his response I passed him off.

Three minutes later I had a website.

Jeremy is my friend. Inside of one week he brought a fine imported beer over for a little sample, undressed me from hockey gear and rushed me to the hospital after I separated my shoulder, AND helped me set up this blog. I challenge anyone to top that friend contribution. Jeremy and Tannis, along with their incredibly cute girls Ivy and Ella, moved to Summerland this year and it instantly doubled our local friend base. They will be featured on this blog from time to time.

Incidentally, if you want to see what a real blog looks like, check his out here. I will bid farewell to you now, becase unless you are family you will never bother with my site again.


Blogger Jeremy said...

I can't believe you told the public at large that I undressed you. I can just see Plett chortling about that right now...

12:06 PM

Blogger Jeremy said...

I'm calling in this favour now, I think. I need to get you politically involved in Summerland.

12:40 PM


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