I don't think it was Sloane's first choice of activities this morning, but that seemed irrelevant. One second we were playing hide-and-seek and the next moment people were being subjected to full body tackles. I think we created a new game!

This afternoon we might play Full Body Contact Reading.
Sloane looks surprisingly unperturbed there...I suppose she's used to it already.
12:16 PM
Hahaha - so cute! Love the daytime journal entry. I think a lot of dads would be surprised at what moms accomplish during the day - or vice versa depending on who the regular stay-at-home may be.
7:49 PM
Yes Jer, I think Sloane is gettiing preliminery training for her career as a disaster/war correspondent.
9:20 AM
Or professional wrestling. A fitting introduction to a cruel world.
It really must be time for a new post by now.
12:15 PM
Hey Myron - it's Heather. Can you send me your email address so I can send off these great family photos I have from the Red Rooster? Thanks. rplett@mts.net
7:25 PM
Myron, Im trying to reach you. Saw you at the Assessment conference in Portland this past school year.
Please reach me here: mmiller@mead.k12.wa.us
12:19 PM
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